“I love idyoma! I’ve found some great partners and everyone’s very friendly. I like how simple it is to use and how it shows you your best matches first.” - Lucie, 26 - UK.
The curated local language exchange app
Stop wasting your time on platforms where no one replies and the only people in your inbox are creeps.
Idyoma does language exchange differently.
We put quality first.
Explore the world from your phone
Meet real people like you who speak the languages you want to learn. With one-click blocking, control over who can find you, and verified profiles, you can explore the world safely and not waste energy on people you don’t want to chat with.
A language exchange app designed for you
Forget apps that look like they were designed in 2015 and websites that “remember the good old days”. Idyoma is intuitive and feels the way an app should feel under your touch. It’s visual-first too, so you can get a sense of the person behind the pixels.
Our values stretch beyond language exchange
Diversity & Inclusion in language learning
At Idyoma we’re a global community of over 100,000 people from more than 100 countries. We want to make sure that our app is a safe space for people of any nationality, ethnicity, or mother tongue. People can choose from a huge list of languages to try to find other people to practice with.
safe & secure language exchanges
Trying to meet people to chat with online can be a nightmare, especially for women and girls. At Idyoma we know we have to create spaces where that behavior isn’t tolerated and we’ve structured the app to discourage it with one-click blocking, disabled photo messages, filters so you choose who finds you, and verified profiles.
Quality language partners are key
Sometimes too much choice creates the wrong choices. We show you the best matches first and the app learns over time how to make your matches better. We limit the number of initial connections to force people to be more selective; clearing the clutter from your inbox. Less is more and quality is key.
Given that many people struggle with learning a new language, I assembled a top 4 list encompassing efficient tips and tricks on how to improve and grow as fast as possible.