10 Steps To A Successful Language Exchange

Successful Language Exchange

Whether you're wanting to find the best way to learn Spanish, the most fun way to learn French, or a serious buddy for practicing German, language exchanges could be the right solution for you.

But you have to approach it in the right way. 

This is our break down of how to use idyoma to find your perfect language exchange.

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Playstore: Idyoma

1. Make Your Profile Appealing!  

  • Use your real name and a clear photograph of yourself. You can also use Idyoma’s self-verification service so other users know you are who you say you are.

    It’s important to make a good first impression, because ultimately you both want to learn one another’s language and get more fluent. By self-verifying, you’re giving yourself the best chance of making a good match with a native speaker of your chosen language.

    It can definitely be daunting putting yourself out there socially, especially as a learner. But taking this leap to exchange languages is a big step toward becoming the fluent speaker you want to be.

2. Make Sure Your Settings Are Accurate

  • Idyoma will show you the best matches if you tell us your language levels! You can adapt your search categories too. We want you to find the right match for you.

    Take the time to check through your settings, and don’t be afraid to be honest about your skill levels. If you’re not quite there with your pronunciation or comprehension of a certain language, make sure you take that into account in your settings.

    The information you put into Idyoma is how fellow language exchangers will find you and know what level you're at. So if in doubt, just be honest about your current language ability and take your learning to the next level.

3. Introduce Yourself For A Successful Language Exchange!

  • The first thing you need to do is say hi! Message another user and tell them a little about yourself. Be social and ask them if they would like to meet with you. Idyoma is based on the evidence that people learn language better when it's spoken naturally and socially, so the more you chat and communicate, the more you’re learning.

    If you want an insider tip - try kicking off the conversation with a joke you’ve learned in their native language. Humour can break the ice and can also show the other person a lot about your language level. So don’t be afraid to offer up a cheesy joke once you've both said hello. 

    Nothing puts you in a better mood for learning a language than feeling like you can relate to the person you’re learning from.

4. Set A Clear Time, Date, And Place To Meet.

  • Choose somewhere open, public, and easy to find. People often feel most comfortable meeting for the first time during the day. You can use Idyoma’s ticket system to make sure you and your partner both understand where and when you will be meeting.

    But of course you might not want or be able to meet your match in person. That’s why we’ve launched the Idyoma video chat feature, which allows you to talk to and see your matched native speaker for a more successful language exchange. Just navigate to your match’s profile and select the video chat option.

5. Be Friendly, And Explain Why You Want To Have The Exchange.

  • You’re making a new friend, so feel good about it! Let the other person know if you’re having the exchange because you have an exam coming soon, because you’re going on holiday in the next month, or whether you just want to practice. Let them know if you want to be corrected a lot, or whether you just want the conversation to flow. If you both know why you’re meeting then you will both achieve more from the exchange.

6. Try Different Techniques In Your Language Exchange 

  • We at Idyoma recommend meeting or video calling for an hour or an hour and a half. 

    This way you can speak in one language for 30/45 minutes, and then in the other language for the same amount of time too. You learn more if you are speaking, listening, and thinking in one language at a time.

    Even if you’re only meeting virtually, there’s so much to do to increase your fluency. You could watch videos together in one another’s languages, complete small tasks, or even play online games together. 

7. Remember That You Both Want To Learn!

  • Learning a language is exciting, but don’t forget that on a language exchange you’re a teacher as well as a student. The more your partner learns, the more they will want to meet with you again in future! Be reciprocal - you’re skill sharing, after all.

8. Think About Some Potential Topics 

  • We recommend thinking of 5 topics each which you would like to talk about in your target language. This helps keep conversation going, and gives you time beforehand to look up some vocabulary or new phrases relevant to that area to practice, if you need to.

    But don’t get too caught up on keeping to a strict schedule or program. Talking in a natural, social setting is the best thing you can do to achieve fluency faster. Engage your match with extra questions that might go off-topic, and ask them to clarify if you missed a word or they spoke too quickly.

9. Let It Flow!

  • Don’t be too strict in sticking to a structure or to topics. They’re not so much rules as guidelines (as the pirate Barbossa says!). The most important thing about meeting in person is that you can enjoy the language exchange and make new friends while learning in the process.

    We hope the people you meet, whether in person or virtually with our video chat, will be lifelong, worldwide friends. Even if you aren’t living closeby enough to meet up, you may find similar interests - you know you both already have a passion for learning a new language. 

    See where the conversation takes you!

10. Meet Again

  • Let the other user know you enjoyed the language exchange, and let them know you would like to meet again. You can message them again later through Idyoma! Even once you’ve reached the level of fluency you were striving for, your match could still want some help on their end. 

Above all, the most important thing to remember for a successful language exchange is to enjoy it! Studies show that you retain information more effectively. So the more fun you have, the more success you’ll have with your target language.